Thursday, July 02, 2009

Dad to be checking in

Hello all,

Here we are at 16 weeks, and life is getting pretty interesting. I've been working a lot lately, so I don't get to spend nearly as much time as I'd like with my ever-expanding (but TOTALLY adorable) wife and Baby Bibab (or Bibaby as our friend Moobs coined). But I make sure I'm home in plenty of time to kiss the belly.

Our collection of adorable baby clothes got a major upgrade yesterday with lots of cute stuff arriving from grandma- and grandpa-to-be V and the Hagners (is Nancy the baby's great-godmother? - this is the kind of stuff that runs through my mind when I'm out for a pre-work run at 6am).

Chris is anxiously awaiting the next few weekends, with lots going on (a tame 4th of July, birthday parties, going away parties). But the highlight of July's social calendar is very clearly the Ben & Jerry's festival in the park by our house the last weekend of the month. The baby is very excited for his/her 3rd Ben & Jerry's experience (Baby V certainly enjoyed the multiple cones in Stockholm).

It's been really fun this week continuing to break the news to our friends. Of course, none of the girls were surprised at all. Apparently, you can only get away with so much when you follow "I gave up alcohol for Lent" with "I'm on a prescription" and "I have a headache". But all the boys were truly shocked.

This weekend we're heading out for our first baby gadget shopping expedition. Luckily we live in Clapham, a.k.a. "Nappy Valley" or "Yummy Mummy-ville", so there are plenty of options. Chris really needs to start showing more so she fits in with all of the others down here.

Bizarrely enough, Chris has not had any strange cravings thus far. I definitely have, but I don't think that's pregnancy related. So jealous that Sarah gets those cravings addressed.

I have been trying to be as supportive as possible, doing extra chores (when I've been home) and buying all the nutritious food I can carry. To show their support, some men will go so far as to put on loads of weight during the pregnancy. I've decided to do them one better, and have gone so far as to develop hayfever like Chris.

More from us soon.

P.S. Happy 25th Sarah!!!

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