Sunday, July 12, 2009

TOTALLY the best moment of the week...

One of the 'symptoms' of pregnancy is a really bad memory. The surprise Ben & Jerry's delivery on Thursday night was definitely the best moment of the week!!

Just wanted to make that clear. (:


1 comment:

  1. You are right Chris, the memory doesn't work so well when pregnant! However, you are carrying my brother's baby so he should be bringing you ice cream without needing you to make a big deal about it on the blog! Come on should be doing these nice things daily!! Look at what your poor wife's body is going through for you!!! I'm here for you Chris :)

    Love the baby bump picture...can't wait to watch it grow! Also, don't worry about the 9 is totally normal! I did the same thing at the beginning and then hardly gained any in the middle! You'll be fine!!

