Friday, November 06, 2009

Midwife appointment

I had a midwife appointment today and it went well. I had 2 midwives - one was a student midwife.

They measured me for the first time! My fundal height is 34 cm - apparently you should be measuring within 2 cms of the number of weeks you are, and as I am 34 weeks, seems perfect to me. They said I'm measuring just fine, so all the people who have been telling me how small I am can just shut up. (: My blood pressure is fine and baby's heartbeat is totally normal. Baby is behaving well and staying head down.

When asked about swelling, I showed them my shrek-like foot/ankle/ leg (the right one) and they were appropriately sympathetic. I've also had to stop wearing my wedding rings as they get really tight when I am hot. They live on a chain around my neck. But, they both complimented me and said the bump is nice and neat and my skin around looked really good. So, nasty legs, but nice bump. (:

Anyway - that's my update for now!



  1. Glad to hear that your midwife appointment went well. Bad legs, good belly.... excellent! Also glad to hear that your blood pressure is good as well. Love you lots! HUGS! G

  2. P.s. HOLY CRAP! 6 MORE WEEKS! g

  3. I think when people say you're small, they mean you still look thin/good everywhere but the bump. But lemme-not-get-involved in this debate at all because you don't seem to like it any which way.
